Saturday, October 18, 2008

America ~by Stephanie

Six lanes, tail lights, red ants marching into the night.
Disappear to my left and right again....

Yes, America the Busy.
Utila had the dirt bikes, mopeds, golf-carts, and ATVs...the traffic got pretty bad there when the little Ford Ranger decided to make a U-turn. But here, the busyness is different. We drove forty minutes and traveled across several cities; in Utila we walked forty minutes and reached the end of the entire bay we occupied. My family and I went to the State Fair last Thursday and thought about how many times the population of Utila could be multiplied to fill the occupancy there simply attending on that certain day.
I had been soaking it in while I walked through the airport in Houston. Restaurant after restaurant, businessman after businessman gone crazy talking to themselves, oh wait...they had those bluetooth thingys...never mind. I was stuck in the amazement of all that was around me. I had lived three months in simplicity, nothing pressing for your time save your stomach saying you must prepare dinner and remembering you had three pages of homework for tomorrow. But now, I was lugging my large blue bag looking for the baggage claim to rescue the rest of our belongings and carrying them home to safety when a lady yelled, "Hey, ma'am, look. I think they know you." As I turned to look I almost dropped that heavy bag except it was wrapped around me in such a way that caught me in the straps...I tried to run and couldn't...thus I waddled at unbelievable speed towards my dear friends that yes, they did know me-they knew me! The first people that knew me out of all those people! I hugged each of the Orrs and found my Dad, his parents and then the Watsons and later my grandma drove up in our white mini-van.
I was in America, I was home...I was going to ride in a car going more than 10mph for the first time in three months!
That marvelous mint chocolate-chip milkshake sent my brain into outer space before I could take ten sips each two minutes body was in shock...thus I chose to skip the chocolate cake. I laid down that night with a grand headache in my bed, si, cama de mia! Mi cama! It was comfy and ALL mine! I slept with the window open because it was too silent compared to Utila. That morning I also woke up to 10:30am. No cursing Caribbeans, no trucks speeding by that obviously did not pass any safety inspections, it was silent and I heard only my thoughts...where was Utila? My mom compared it to Narnia; we had entered this place of amazement, beauty, and tranquility. We lived there. It was real. I can tell you the names of the islanders, my friends. I am able to see the smiles and revisit the conversations. I can put my feet back into the shoes that walked those streets of Utila...but Utila has left me, or I have left Utila. Either way, the effect is the same. Utila has shrank away, away into one moment...the past.
I have not lost communication with my friends there. Our emails are sent across the distance instantly and some of them have watched our video on YouTube that Lori put together. Just type "Utila Weber, Mills, and Friends" in the search and it will pull it up for you. Another video is on it's way that will have the humor of our trip...this video has the tear jerker factor to it...*sniff* sad.
My mom let us go to Family Camp at Big Sandy, Texas! It was amazing. Family Camp has always been the activity of the year for me. Yes, Utila was put first this year but Family Camp got fit in right after! I had a beautiful time with my friends. I loved the moments I had with them just walking and talking. I didn't play volleyball much this year but, I'll be okay. I think if you asked me my favorite part of Family Camp it would have to be the last morning. My friend David Sandretto picked Kristina, Jason, Rebecca, Samuel, Hannah, Josiah, Victoria, Bethany, Danielle, Bonnie, and ME up in his mini-van and he took us to a little bluff and we welcomed the sunrise with a devotional and hymns and a few choruses. It was perfect. Me and my friends, together worshipping the God of Creation, Our God of Creation. He heard us, He listened to our praises of His name. After the sun had risen we spotted Mr. and Mrs. Smith on their morning walk together and waved them over so we could throw down a camera to them and they took our picture. The adventure didn't stop there, you forget we had guys in the group, they wanted to see farther and thus we placed our Bibles back in David's van and journeyed about twenty minutes longer. All of our shoes became soaked by the dew and we all sloshed through the road...I knew my toes were going to look like prunes. At one point we all got hungry so while David, Josiah and Samuel ran back to the van (leaving of course, David's knife as collateral to reassure us of his return) I stayed on top of a hay bail and everyone else ventured a wee bit farther...sloshing as they went...I actually had great cell phone signal on that hay bail believe it or not!
We drove home for a doctor's appointment; Amanda, Andrea, and I had staff infection...JOY! We are okay now, I have pretty scars...but I'm not dead! That night my daddy took us to a high school football game...another shocker! SO MANY PEOPLE---all the same age!!! It was strange to say the least...I got frito pie. :):):) I was then happy. The next day we...oh wait, we went to that football game because it was the homecoming of the highschool my dad went to. Alright, the next day we all went to the theater to watch Fireproof. I loved it. If anyone has not watched it, go and watch it now! Don't finish reading my post here is the link, It is so good, I am so thankful this church continues to make such great films and the quality of their equipment is so much better since the time they first began.
After the film dad dropped us off at home; we were going to help mom unload but David had already come to help her and that part of the job was over. (too bad, lol) Church was different becasue we got to text during the service time. We got to text questions into the church about leadership methods; I really liked being able to have that week. I enjoyed worshipping in
English! Spanish was amazing but this time I understood everything I was saying and singing! The week went by too fast and just this past Sunday we went to Restoration for their Spanish service. Very small but I loved it! The teacher spoke slowly because almost everyone had come for the same purpose; we were all learning/practicing Spanish, together!
This week I am preparing and organizing my CLEP studies and getting my film opportunities in line, I'm so excited to see my Savior lead.
Praise be His name! Glory and Honor and Praise! I thank Him for the beautiful time He gave to me and my family in Utila. Life goes on and if you'll stick around we'll keep you updated!
-home again!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Wow. ~ By Amanda

I'm home, tomorrow makes two weeks. Have I adjusted? In some ways, yes. There are just certain things you never forget how to do, like getting in our car- and buckling up too. But just because we didn't forget how, doesn't make it normal, as we're doing it now. I believe there are parts f Utila we all miss. Today as I was washing dishes, and not having to dip them into bleach, I decided I wanted a mango... but there was no main street to walk down, so side street to turn on, to get me to the big mango tree today. The friends and fellowship I had enjoyed so freely as I sat on our porch, or walked through the stores, now is farther away. It takes a phone call, a calender, a stop at mapquest, a car, a stoplight, and much more time. And it doesn't always happen. Family Camp was a great adjustment time. We were in the States, around the people we are used to seeing here, but we walked everywhere, and there were golf carts, bicycles, friendly people, even if you didn't know them, they would smile, wave, and ask how your day was going. It was great. One down side to camp, was that I had a horrid headache one day, accompanied by a fever, and I felt SO cold for about an hour, that I couldn't stop shaking. ...The next day it was pretty much better, I still had lots of "tent time" though. Andi got it the next day. Mom set a doctor appointment for us on the day we came home. Our bites were still oozing, and appearing in places they weren't before. Any scrape or scratch we would get soon became this oozing sore. The diagnosis: We three, Stephanie, Andi and I, have staff infection. We were given antibiotics, and were supposed to go to the doctor again today, but as I was typing right now.... I just noticed we forgot and missed the appointment. I'll call Mom about that, anyway.... We then went to my memaw, and pawpaw's house. Memaw made us the most amazing peach milk-shakes.... that's a good reason to be home :D That night, Dad took us to a football game. Raiders vs Texans. Dad was cheering for the Texans, we were for the Raiders... I'll explain later. On our way, we noticed that we wanted to take pictures of everything. OOOooo, look at the Texas Motor Speedway, isn't pretty tonight, it's so amazing... oh and look at that huge tower.... look at all the cars, where's the camera!? So, we decided we will have to do another picture post soon, to show you all the amazing things that are here! I mean, I haven't been in a Wal-Mart yet, or for that matter any other store besides Tom Thumb, but I have been to the post office a lot, the gym, and to the library. There are SO many people here! I mean when we walked into the football stadium for the Texans homecoming, we all just kind of stopped. There were probably more people there, than on the entire Island we had known for so long. I felt like i did when I had first come to Utila, you know, eyes darting everywhere, unable to look where you're going.... My dad had gone to this high-school , and his dad. So Pawpaw and He were very excited when Texans shot in the lead... We have lived across from L.D. Bell for ten years, loved to hear them practice, and are rather faithful to them, so although we were on Northwest's side.... we still cheered loud and hard for the Raiders. The man beside us said, "Man I love having the competition right beside me!" With just a few minutes left to the game, L.D. Bell almost made a touchdown which would have tied the game.... and from where I was sitting, it looked like they had.... too bad, the Texans got it, and managed to make a second touchdown before the game ended. It was fun, even if my team didn't win :p I've been to my church now for two weeks. It's so nice being back, worshiping with my church body, not having to work at all to understand sermons. Next week though, we are going to Restoration Church for their Spanish service. That will be nice. We'll get to know some more Spanish friends around us.
I am enjoying having my instruments back, I'm working on Pachelbel's Cannon in D on my hammered dulcimer :) We're getting back into our school schedule, I'm finishing drivers-ed, and will take my test soon... that's cool :D And.... on Thursday we all start speech and debate, except Steph.... she's a graduate :p We're having a friend over tonight. That's nice. We'll try to put some pics up soon.
'Till the Sunrise,
Amanda ~ who misses Utila SO much.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

yo estoy triste ( I am sad)~ by Bonnie~

I'm sad but not because I'm not in Utila. I am very happy to be back in the States, and in My Home!!! I'm sad because I have been in over the ocean and over the sea for three months and NO ONE has sang me "My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean". Now if any one decides to sing it to me it has to be sung in past tense. That is all the time I have for now; I must go to bed. I just wanted to express my disappointment.
Bonnie Kathleen~
* One Who Lied Over The Sea*

Fotos Debajo

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Leaving my Home ~Amanda

Kathryn, Stephanie, and I were the only ones who "toughed it out" and decided not to get ANY sleep last night. My reason: You are more tired when you only get two hours sleep, than if you just don't get any at all. So, after we got the house ready, the 'for rent' sign was replaced, mom and Stephanie did the packing with much help from the Weber family, and we did dishes and final cleaning. At 1:30am, we finished off our popcorn kernels, and some mangos we had picked that day. I had decided ahead of time not to cry until the day I was leaving. Even as Tatiana was with us last night, talking, reviewing sign language, and deciding when we should see each other again, I had to hold back tears. We all have made such wonderful friends here- I just hate to be returning to the States. To pass the hours rolling by to 5a.m. we three girls looked at the pictures of our trip. Remembering how we felt as we first arrived and the things we found as "abnormal" that now were part of our daily life and routine took up the time in a joyful way, leaving us with laughter, and stories to discuss in hushed voices as to not wake up those trying to succeed with a few hours of shut-eye. Then, Kathryn and I squished side-ways onto our hammock for the last time, and watched Part 2 of the Broadway show Wicked. It was great. I really like it. It has made me enjoy The Wizard of Oz more.... so. As soon as we finished, we got up to get ready, and before I could finish brushing my teeth the hard and annoying way we have found necessary here, Oscar had arrived to help with bags and wish us farewell. Soon the whole family was up. There wasn't too many complications at first, only Lori getting locked out on her porch and having to have Pedro let her out, adding to the truth we have in our Utila Paradise song, "Even Pedro thinks that our mind is gone" Once the truck was loaded, we attempted to all fit in it as well.... then the rain began to fall. It was only right to rain on such a sad day. To our amazement it was the most rain we had yet during our stay on our Island home. Ducking under trees, squinting our eyes against the fierce droplets of rain, and holding our breath every time we would stall going up or down one of the curving hills, we slowly made our way to Diana, Jose, and Yessey's home. We were able to tell them goodbye, my tears accompanied. The rain poured harder. We then made our way to the airport. Once we got out of the truck, we might as well had just gone swimming in the sea one last time- we were drenched! Our bags were placed under a shelter and we soon joined them. Sadly, all of the mosquitoes decided that it would be best to find shelter with us. They-like us- hadn't yet had their breakfast. Unlike us- their breakfast was right beside them. We were dancing, slapping, jumping, running, swatting, squishing, spraying, and itching. Because of the weather, our 6 o'clock flight was transformed into an 8 o'clock flight, which could have caused delays and flight misses, if not for us, for the Webers. A man who was waiting for the flight out of Utila with us, commented and said that he believed it was our prayer together that made the rain stop for enough time for the flight to come in to take us away. Tatiana, Doris Amanda, Diana Josephina, Nelson, and Oscar were there to see us off. We watched as Pumpkin Hill shrank into the distance, and our familiar Main Street, became hardly noticeable. Soon we were surrounded by the sound of the loud engine, and looking into white clouds. I believe we all dozed off for a while. When we landed in San Pedro Sula, it was so nice to be able to ask in Spanish where we were to go now, and then what to do next. The language barrier was no longer a taunting problem. The airport that had seemed scary, unfamiliar, unclean, and unsafe, now was a comforting atmosphere. The Wendy's that was our last 'fast food' for three months, became our first 'fast food' since that time. The flight to Houston went well... I slept of course, and dreamed in Spanish about all of my friends back in Utila. "Welcome home" It was a nice thing to hear from the immigration officer. We are home. Looking around though, I don't like what I see. I love America, I love the order and respect that we enforce.... but I love Utila. I love how everyone there is totally themselves. They're loving, real, personal, and always there. When you pass each other in the streets, you're never in a closed car.... everything is open, and everyone talks as you pass. You know everyone so well you're a huge family. Not just a city, a community. Our last flight home to DFW went very fast. We were greeted by My grandma, memaw, papaw, dad, the Orr family, and the Watson family. It was so sweet. After talking for quite a while, we were ready to go home and see our dog. At home Aunt Deanna, Uncle Rob, and Jeff were there with great smiles and hugs. It's good to be home. And you know what..... TRIXIE LOVES US! She remembers, and is SO happy..... she needs to gain some weight again, and she needs some fur back..... but we'll spoil her up real soon. We are about to eat Braums.... funny.... Braums. We had to absorb all the cars around our neighborhood. I miss Utila. But I trust God's plan for my life and I know that Texas, the Untied States of America... more specifically Hurst, is where I'm supposed to be right now. And I'm going to take what I've learned from Utila, and do my absolute best at making my home, my city, like a big family, a community.I am so thankful to God for this amazing opportunity I've had, and hope to return one day. We are working to finish posting the pictures. Sorry, I know now that we're home it's not as cool and all.... but we still want to post them for you all.
Forever in God's Plan

Monday, September 29, 2008

Las Ultimas Fotos de Ăštila ~ la familia de Mills

I have uploaded all these photos...but I there aren't the last ones

There will be more of the last week in Utila later, hopefully even today but we'll see!
Love you all!